Air Waybill Letter of Credit:

Air bill of lading is the bank commitment that the payment will be made upon submission of the documents proving that the said goods and services have been performed by an intermediary bank in accordance with the agreement made between the Buyer and the Seller, within the given period, in accordance with the specified conditions.

Arbitration Warehouse

Arbitration, arbitrage permission granted by the Undersecretariat of Customs in line with a customs office, the owner of which is obliged to be a legal entity or institution, only non-nationalized imported goods and goods intended for export. It is a warehouse where it can be placed.

ATA Carnet

Within the scope of customs agreements, it is the document annexed to the agreement given by the competent authorities of the member country in order to exempt the goods from customs duties at their temporary entry into a country and to reduce the customs procedures.

ATR Circulation Certificate:

It is the document issued by the authorized institutions of the exporting country and given to the customs administration in order to ensure that the goods originating or counted from Turkey or the European Community or in free circulation in Turkey or the Community can benefit from the provisions of the Additional Protocol.

Packing / Parcel List (Packing list):

The turnover rate, quantity, value, etc. of the materials in stock. classification according to criteria.


Any classification of the goods unloaded from the vehicle arriving at the warehouse, etc. It is the process of loading it from the warehouse to the vehicle that will leave without processing.


It is a closed or open secure area where products are placed for a certain period of time, depending on the need.